This Ramadan begins during a time when all of our mosques remain closed. The Imam Council, which is part of the MCGH, recently met to review the matters related to Ramadan and has issued a ramadan advisory which details the changes…
This Ramadan begins during a time when all of our mosques remain closed. The Imam Council, which is part of the MCGH, recently met to review the matters related to Ramadan and has issued a ramadan advisory which details the changes…
Muslim Council of Greater Hamilton on the sentencing of Keith Frederick – guilty of arson for attempting to burn down the Ibrahim Jam-E Mosque. May 17, 2017. On September 14, 2016, the 15th anniversary of the arson attack on the…
(Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. September 15, 2016) – The Muslim Council of Greater Hamilton (MCGH), a coalition of Hamilton area mosques and community organizations are calling on all Hamilton area Muslims to attend Friday congregational prayers at Ibrahim Jam-E Mosque for…
A CALL FOR VIGILANCE HATE CRIME REPORTING: Hamilton Police Services 905-546-4925 In response to the recent violence in Paris, we, as Muslims, must be pro-active, not re-active. These are just guidelines and are not meant to invoke fear or paranoia.…
Hamilton Muslims condemn terrorist attacks in Paris, Beirut, Baghdad and Ankara – Expresses condolences to the families of the victims. (Hamilton – November 15, 2015) The Muslim Council of Greater Hamilton, a council representing nine Muslim organizations and mosques in…
(Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. January 27, 2015) – The Muslim Council of Greater Hamilton (MCGH), a coalition of Hamilton area mosques and community organizations are holding a three-day “open house” entitled “Who is Muhammad?” to help stimulate an open dialogue with…